
A friend’s social media post introduced me to the word “bimble”, which is completely new to me. It’s a great word and I’ve done a great deal of bimbling without ever knowing it. I had to look it up and I wasn’t the only one. So this inspired me to challenge myself to build and deploy a simple webpage explainging what it means and to time myself. I used my (current) favourite framework, Astro JS. I was going to speed things along by adding Tailwind and I even considered Daisy UI. But in the end, I opted to go vanilla as usual and to adapt a couple of code snippets I made for another project.

I commited the code to GitHub, hosted on Netlify and added a custom domain.

It was kind of a quick and dirty build, but not that dirty; My Lighthouse score is pretty good!

You can check out the repo here (opens in new window).

You can see the final result here (also opens in new window).